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Global Learning 

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When reflecting on my synthesis question and course content, the PBI-G (Project Based Inquiry with a Global focus) project stood out as a great way to differentiate instruction for the learners in my classroom. As a team, we chose to talk about plastic bag pollution, as it is growing into a serious global problem. My students were given a choice of several compelling questions. They chose to find a solution to the question that most appealed to their interests. In the simple execution of this project, differentiation was present in student learning because they were able to choose which question fit their interest and cater their learning and research toward that interest. They had the following compelling questions to choose from: What can we do to use fewer plastic bags?, How are plastic bags bad for our community?, What can we do with plastic bags that are being used and thrown away in our community? They worked together in small teams to find a solution to the compelling question that interested them. They went through the research process with minimal teacher support, made posters to spread awareness of plastic bag usage in our community, and created recycled products out of plastic bags to show mastery of their learning. With the use of differentiation throughout this assignment, it allowed my students who excel with creativity to show off their skills, and my students who think very analytically thrived during the research portion of this project. They were excited to find a solution to this global problem, and loved sharing what they learned with others in our school and surrounding community. If it was not clear prior to this project, differentiation creates engagement and motivation in students, as well as provides them with a sense of responsibility and accountability that they desperately need with their learning.
Standards Addressed: 
1.L.1.3 Summarize ways that humans protect their environment and/or improve conditions for the growth of the plants and animals that live there (e.g., reuse or recycle products to avoid littering).
Social Studies: 
3.G.1.3 Exemplify how people adapt to, change and protect the environment to meet their needs
Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.
Speaking and Listening:
Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking clearly at an understandable pace.
View the PBI-G written report here! 
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